Check the area for spilled fuel or fog oil before proceeding. The spark
from the ignitor cable can start a fire.
b. Set circuit breaker CB1 and the power switch to the ON position, and then hold the engine
switch in the START position.
(1) If no spark is present, set all switches and circuit breaker CB1 to the OFF position; then
reconnect the cable. Notify organizational maintenance.
(2) If a spark is present, set all switches and circuit breaker CB1 to the OFF position and
remove the ignitor from the pulse-jet engine. Reconnect the ignitor cable to the ignitor and place or hold
the ignitor 1/4 inch from the frame assembly.
c. Set circuit breaker CB1 and the power switch to the ON position, and then hold the engine
switch in the START position.
(1) If no spark is present, set all switches and circuit breaker CB1 to the OFF position; then
reinstall the ignitor and the ignitor cable. Notify organizational maintenance.
(2) If a spark is present, set all switches and CB1 to OFF; then reinstall the ignitor and the
ignitor cable and go to the next step.
Step 3.
Check for air blast at the nozzle assembly.
a. Set circuit breaker CB1 and the power switch to the ON position.
Do not hold the engine switch in the START position for more than 30
b. Place the engine switch to the START position.
c. Listen for a starting air blast at the nozzle assembly.
(1) If an air blast is not present, set all switches and circuit breaker CB1 to the OFF position.
Notify organizational maintenance.