Lesson 2/Learning Event 1
Protective Clothing
The chemical protective overgarment is the Standard A item of protective clothing. A normal
allocation of chemical protective overgarments is three sets per individual. In a typical
distribution of overgarments, one set would be issued to the individual and the other two sets
would be retained at a company or battalion NBC equipment and supply storage location. As
with protective masks, local procedures will govern the actual distribution. The procedures for
maintaining accountability of masks can also be used for the overgarments.
Radiacmeters, Detector Kits, and Chemical Agent Alarms
As with protective masks, radiacmeters, detector kits, and chemical agent alarms can be assigned
and controlled in a number of ways. Typically, the leader of the section or team which uses the
equipment will sign for it.
Decontamination Equipment and Supplies
Decontamination supplies such as Supertropical Bleach (STB) or Decontaminating Solution
Number 2 (DS2) are usually retained in a central location for use of the unit decontamination
team. DS2 and STB contain strong chemicals which are hazardous if they are stored or used
improperly. Care must be exercised in selecting a storage location for them. They must be
stored so that they cannot mix if leakage or spills occur.
One M 11 Decontaminating Apparatus is authorized for each wheeled or tracked vehicle and
each towed or self-propelled, crew-served weapon in the unit. This apparatus is normally kept
with the equipment item for which it is authorized. It is NOT filled with DS2 unless it is actually
needed for a decontamination operation.
Individual personnel decontamination materials are usually kept with the protective mask and
issued when the mask is issued.
Chemical Agent Treatment Items
Atropine injectors and amyl nitrite inhalant ampoules have potential for being misused.
However, the urgency of the need for them in proper use demands ready access to them. The
issue and control of these substances is dependent upon command policy. At overseas locations,
three atropine injectors are usually stored in the protective mask carrier and issued with the
mask. At CONUS locations, dependent upon command policy, atropine injectors may be issued
to individuals or retained at a central location in the unit. Amyl nitrite ampoules require
refrigeration and are stored in a central unit location.