Lesson 2/Learning Event 1
Individual Issue. In some units, the protective mask is issued to the individual. In this case, the
issue is normally recorded on the individual's clothing record. Supply personnel issue the mask,
record the issue, and obtain the individual's signature. The NBC defense officer or NCO
coordinates the issue, but the transaction is between unit supply and the individual.
Individual issue of protective masks is desirable, since soldiers have the mask immediately
available in the event of an actual or training alert. When masks are issued to the individuals,
some units experience an increase in deficiencies related to neglect of maintenance. Individual
issue requires strict maintenance and storage discipline by the soldier and frequent monitoring by
the unit NBC defense officer or NCO. This is to insure that proper care is taken of the protective
mask. Unit training should emphasize proper care and storage of the protective mask. The unit
SOP should specify a secure location which is available to each soldier for storage when the
mask is not in use.
Central Location. In some units, the commander prefers to have all the protective masks of the
unit stored in a central location. In this case, the commander has the advantage of knowing the
protective masks are properly stored. Maintenance problems are fewer, but the sense of
individual responsibility by the soldier is diminished. A method of signing the masks out for
maintenance, classes, or training alerts must be devised. The need to sign the masks out creates a
slowdown in the event of a training alert. Several methods of signing the masks out can be used.
The actual method is up to the unit One method is to issue mask cards (modified weapons cards)
with pertinent mask data to each individual. The soldier then turns the mask card in each time
the mask is withdrawn. An alternate method is to issue the protective mask to each individual on
a temporary hand receipt (Request for Issue or Turn in, DD Form 3161) each time the mask is
withdrawn. Other methods can be devised to suit the requirements of a particular unit. In these
methods, the transaction is still between the soldier and unit supply, with the NBC defense
officer or NCO coordinating and probably assisting in the issue.
Issue to Squads or Sections. An alternate method of issuing protective masks to unit personnel
is to issue the masks to the squad or section leader on a hand receipt (DA Form 2062). In this
method, the squad leader or section chief signs for the masks along with other property of the
squad or section. The squad or section leader then can issue the masks to individuals on a sub-
hand receipt With this system, a sense of individual responsibility for the care and maintenance
can be fostered, while at the same time a considerable degree of control is maintained over the