Lesson 2/Learning Event 2
titles, and equipment lists should be made directly on the poster board. The chart is then covered
by a piece of clear acetate, and temporary entries are made with grease pencil. Since there is no
requirement that you have a chart and no real guidance on chart preparation, you are free to use
your imagination. Your chart may include a portion or all of the NBC equipment and supplies in
the unit. The more equipment shown, the better picture you have of the overall unit status.
Different colored grease pencils may be used to reflect a status code. If so, this code should be
shown on the chart Your chart may be as detailed as you desire. You should be cautioned,
however, that the more the detail, the more difficult the chart will be to keep current. A chart
that is not current can cause considerable confusion for you and for other personnel relying on it
for information.
Information which should be included on the status chart is that information on the DD Form 314
showing scheduled maintenance and calibration. When equipment such as radiacmeters are
listed on the chart, you must show the model, serial number, and date calibration is due. Figure
6 on page 21 shows an easy to make, easy to use type of status chart for unit NBC equipment.
A well-organized and properly maintained NBC equipment status chart is an excellent tool for
use when briefing the commander on the unit NBC defense posture.