(c) Frame Assembly. The frame assembly (Figure 1-9) consists of a welded steel frame
(1) and a fog oil drip pan (2). The frame is mounted to a mounting bracket on the vehicle. The
mounting brackets for the M1059 and M157/M998 differ, but they support the same frame assembly.
The drip pan mounts to the frame beneath the discharge baffles. The drip pan collects fog oil not
atomized in the combustion chamber that spills out the discharge baffles. A cock plug (3) on the bottom
of the drip pan allows the pan to be drained.
Figure 1-9. Frame assembly
(d) Fog Oil Tank Assembly. The M157 Smoke Generator System has one fog oil tank
(Figure 1-10) that provides fog oil to both M54 Smoke Generators. The fog oil tank consists of a tank
(1), sight glasses (2), a drain plug (3), a filler hole with a cap (4) and a strainer (5), and a breather hole
(6). The fog oil tank for the M1059 holds 120 gallons; the tank for the M157/M998 holds 80 gallons.
One M54 Smoke Generator uses approximately 40 gallons of fog oil an hour.
The eight sight glasses are mounted four each on opposite corners of the tank. The sight glasses allow
the operator to monitor the level of fog oil in the tank during operation and refilling. The drain plug,
located at the front right bottom of the tank, allows impurities to be drained from the tank. The tank is
filled through the filler hole on the top front of the tank. A strainer filters large dirt and other particles
from the fog oil. The breather hole, located on the top rear of the tank, allows excess air pressure to be