Lesson 1/Learning Event 2
The NBCE plans radiological surveys. It also processes and evaluates survey data. When data are
received, the NBCE applies corrections as necessary. Normalization of dose rates at a given time to the
dose rate at a reference time is made. A correction factor for the shielding effect of the vehicle or the
aircraft used in the survey is applied. If necessary, the air-ground correlation factor is calculated and
applied to aerial survey data to obtain the dose rate at one meter above the ground. When data are
obtained from an area covered by overlapping fallout patterns or where the time of burst is unknown,
special procedures for the conversion of dose rates to a reference time are used. Survey data that have
been corrected and converted to a reference time are plotted on a map overlay a dose-rate contour lines
if sufficient information is available; otherwise the data is plotted a dose rates at points of particular
In order to provide contamination information as rapidly as possible and as a basis for survey planning
the NBCE obtains and maintains all useful information. Other units should obtain and maintain
information as appropriate. These types of information which can be used in planning radiological
surveys are as follows:
Check point overlay. The check point overlay for aerial survey planning is prepared as areas are
assigned or as areas of interest change.
Wind vector plot. A current fallout wind vector plot is maintained for fallout prediction.
Enemy nuclear capability. A summary of enemy nuclear capability is maintained, if feasible, to assist in
yield estimation.
Operation maps and aerial photographs. In addition to the obvious use in plotting contaminated areas,
a map of the area of interest is a basic information source for determining the type of vegetation,
obstacles, key terrain features, and probable routes to use for the survey. Aerial photographs may
provide more current information about the area than maps and can be used if additional information is
Nuclear weapon burst record or overlay. A record or overlay is maintained showing as a minimum the
location and time of burst and, if unknown, the yield and type of all bursts that have occurred within
areas of interest.
Points, routes, or areas of operational interest. A listing or overlay showing points, routs, or areas
where contamination could seriously affect accomplishment of the mission is maintained for survey and
monitoring planning purposes.
Equipment and training status. A record of equipment status and training status of available monitors,
survey parties, and subordinate control parties is maintained for survey and special report planning