Lesson 1/Learning Event 1
Security During Planning. During planning for future operations, security is an important
consideration. To retain initiative and surprise in the forthcoming operation, it is necessary
to deny the enemy knowledge of the location, the time of the operation, and the means to be
employed. Measures are instituted to control the area in which the planning is taking place,
the personnel engaged in the planning, and the documents pertaining to the projected
operation. Special measures are established for handling classified material concerning the
operation. These measures include establishment of a restricted list of personnel who have
access to elements of the plan; special passes and other identification means for those visiting
between headquarters and between staff sections in a large headquarters; and separate offices
of record for the recording distribution, and transmittal of documents. An adjunct to security
during planning is early inclusion of a cover plan for the planning and for the operation itself.
Co-ordination of Planning. Co-ordination insures that the elements of planned action fit
together. In military application, co-ordination includes establishment of phases in planned
operations as points at which actions and positions of forces must fit. Planning is
coordinated through staff conferences, conferences of representatives of interested
headquarters, and liaison visits between the units and agencies concerned.
Planning by Supporting Units. Supporting units have a special consideration that adds to the
complexity of their planning. Whereas all elements must consider the physical environment
the enemy, and their higher headquarters, supporting elements must also base their planning
on the plan of the supported command. This consideration is more than the simple addition
of a single variable to the conditions facing a supporting unit. The various probable courses
of action that the supported unit may take, both during planning and execution, have great
impact on the planning of a supporting agency and demand flexibility in execution. Careful
consideration of the special problems facing supporting units by all staff officer will assist
supporting elements in planning to give rapid response to the supported units.