Lesson 1/Learning Event 2
Observation-reporting agencies. The locations of designated agencies for reporting nuclear bursts is
kept up-to-date.
NBC control center. The NBC control center, normally the NBC element of the tactical operations
center at corps, consolidates and evaluates NBC reports received from subordinate commands and Air
Force, Marine Corps, and civilian installations and agencies. It directs reconnaissance and survey
efforts; transmits evaluated contamination data to subordinate commands, and submits appropriate
reports to higher headquarters, adjacent commands, and national agencies.
The NBCE of the TOC at division also maintains on a daily basis the radiation exposure status of each
battalion within the division. The exposure status of each battalion will be obtained from the periodic
operation report. This information will enable the NBCE to provide recommendations as to the
personnel to be used in a radiological survey. Personnel who have already received significant doses
would not be chosen for the survey effort.
Although the previous paragraphs are keyed to collection of
radiological contamination information, the information collection
sources discussed also function in a similar manner in the collection
and reporting of chemical attack and contamination information.
Types of Surveys
Radiological surveys can be performed from the air or on the ground. The control of a ground survey
may be centralized or decentralized, depending on the requirements, span of control, and
communications capabilities. The division NBCE will usually designate the method of control.
Centralized control is the primary method of operation in which the authority ordering the survey,
normally the division or brigade, provides the control party, and the radiological data are reported
directly to the control party. Decentralized control is the alternate method in which the operation is
directed through command channels and controlled by a control party of a subordinate command. The
data are furnished to the authority ordering the survey.
Ground Radiological Surveys. Ground radiological surveys are normally performed by personnel
mounted in wheeled or tracked vehicles. The radiological information can also be obtained by personnel
on foot but, because of the resultant high radiation doses to personnel, foot surveys should be conducted
only under exceptional circumstances. Armored vehicles reduce