Lesson 1/Learning Event 2
NBC Company. The NBC company consists of three NBC defense platoons. Each of these platoons
NBC defense platoons are generally attached to each brigade, although they may be placed in direct
support of a brigade. When in support of a brigade, the reconnaissance squad would conduct ground
surveys under the control of the brigade control party. The officer or NCO in charge of the control party
would be responsible for briefing survey personnel.
NBC Collection Center. The NBC collection center, normally the NBC Element (NBCE) of the tactical
operations center at division, consolidates NBC 1 (Nuclear) Reports of the same attack received from its
various information sources and transmits an NBC 2 report to the NBC control center. (Initial attack
reports are transmitted immediately using FLASH message precedence.) It also transmits appropriate
NBC 2, 3, and 5 reports to subordinate, adjacent, and higher command level units.
Radiological Monitoring
and is a command responsibility. It is initiated upon order of the unit commander or higher
headquarters, or in accordance with the unit's Standing Operating Procedure (SOP).
Radiological monitoring of the unit area alerts the commander to a hazard that otherwise would go
undetected and unmeasured. For example, monitoring alerts the command to the arrival of fallout, when
fallout in the unit area is complete, or when units on the move contact a contaminated area.
Radiological monitors should accompany the lead elements and continuously monitor the route of
advance. Information obtained by these monitors can be used to alert the unit commander when
radiation has been encountered, how the dose rate increases with direction of travel, and whether the
maximum dose-rate point has been passed for any route selected through the area of radiation.
A single monitoring measurement usually has a limited operational significance. It gives information at
the point of the reading only to the unit in the immediate area. A number of individual measurements
considered together, however, can give a picture of the contamination pattern over an entire area. A
number of readings made at the same place over a period of time are required to determine the extent of
radiological contamination and the rate of decay of fallout. Several different points for taking readings
may be required due to various topographical features.