Lesson 1/Learning Event 2
doses received by personnel and will be used whenever possible. Ground survey lacks the speed and
flexibility of aerial survey, results in higher nuclear radiation doses to personnel, places a larger load on
communications facilities, and requires diversion of more personnel and equipment from the mission. A
ground survey is independent of weather conditions, however, can be conducted at night and provides
more accurate information than an aerial survey. All echelons can perform ground surveys within their
areas of responsibility, using regularly assigned personnel and equipment.
Aerial Radiological Surveys. Aerial surveys are conducted rapidly and at a distance
from the radiation
source. The aerial survey party is exposed to considerably less nuclear radiation than a ground survey
party over the same area. Thus, aerial surveys can be employed over areas that have dose rates
unacceptably dangerous to ground survey parties. Because of speed and flexibility, aerial surveys can
be employed to advantage over large areas.
Detailed aerial radiological surveys. The basis for planning a
detailed aerial survey is
the check point
overlay. Check points that are easily identified from the air and on a map (small bodies of water,
streams, or road junctions) are selected for the entire area of responsibility of the major command in
advance by the chemical officer (or TOC representative) in co-ordination with the aviation officer.
These check points are maintained as an overlay by these two staff officers. Then, when a survey
requirement is established, the control party selects a series of course legs, routes, and points where data
will provide sufficient ground dose-rate information to evaluate the contaminated area.
Simplified aerial radiological surveys. The simplified aerial radiological survey is
designed to
information is that required to determine the outer limits of the area of militarily significant
contamination, a few dose rates in the most heavily contaminated parts of the area, and dose rates at
points of operational interest. The simplified survey is accomplished and the information is provided to
the control party as soon as possible after contamination is on the ground.