Line DELTA of the NBC 2 (Nuclear) Report identifies the date and time of
the attack. This data is taken from line DELTA of the NBC 1 (Nuclear)
Report and is shown as 190735Z.
To determine line FOXTROT of the NBC 2 (Nuclear) Report which identifies
the location of the attack, you must follow the procedures you learned in
Lesson 1. From Report #1, plot the observer's location, Line BRAVO, on
From line CHARLIE of the NBC 1
(Nuclear) Report, you see the attack took place at an azimuth of 670 mils
mag from this observer. You must first convert the azimuth from magnetic
to a grid azimuth. To do this, add 370 mils (shown in the declination
diagram) to the reported azimuth of 670 mils, for a grid azimuth of 1040
mils. On your map, you use a protractor to measure 1040 mils from the
observer's location. You then draw a line from the observer's location
through the 1040 mils mark, extending the line across the map.
Report #2, you plot the observer's location at coordinates EG175825.
Convert the 5290 mils magnetic in line CHARLIE to 5660 mils grid. Plot
this azimuth from the observer's location and draw a line from the
observer's location through the azimuth mark and extend it across the map
until it crosses the observer azimuth line from Report #1. The point at
which the two lines cross is the estimated location of the attack in the
vicinity of coordinates EG114894. The coordinates are entered in line
FOXTROT of the NBC 2 (Nuclear) Report and labeled "estimated." Neither
NBC 1 (Nuclear) Report gave a means of delivery, so line GOLF cannot be
To complete line HOTEL of the NBC 2 (Nuclear) Report, you extract the
information from line HOTEL of the two NBC 1 (Nuclear) Reports. Report
#1 indicated a surface burst, while Report #2 did not know what type of
Based on this data, line HOTEL of the NBC 2 (Nuclear)
burst it was.
Report will show a surface burst.
Line NOVEMBER (Yield) of the NBC 2 (Nuclear) Report is derived from the
data in lines JULIET and LIMA of the NBC 1 (Nuclear) Reports.
estimate the yield from the data in Report #1, use the Yield Estimation
Nomogram (Flash-to-Bang Time Versus Nuclear Cloud Width at H + 5
Minutes). This is done by placing one end of a hairline on the right
hand scale showing cloud width at the 230 mils mark. Hold the end of the
hairline in place with a pin or pencil and rotate the hairline until it
passes through the center scale at the 33 second flash-to-bang point.
You must interpolate between marks as accurately as possible. Read the
yield from the left scale as 6 KT. Using the same procedure, check the
yield using the data from Report #2.
You find that it too is
approximately 6 KT; therefore, line NOVEMBER of the NBC 2 (Nuclear)
Report would show 6 KT estimated.
An analysis of all enemy nuclear
bursts that have occurred in the area of operations may provide an
indication of the types and yields of nuclear