using a FLASH precedence.
The NBCE then consolidates NBC 1 (Nuclear)
Reports of the same attack and transmits an NBC 2 (Nuclear) Report to
the NBCC at the Corps. This NBC 2 (Nuclear) Report will be sent with an
IMMEDIATE precedence.
Upon receipt of an initial NBC 1 (Nuclear) Report by the NBCE, the attack
will be assigned a strike serial number that will be used in all future
reports concerning that attack. Attacks should be numbered sequentially
and in such a manner that it cannot be easily confused with another
headquarters. As an example, the first attack in the 4th Inf. Div. area
may be numbered 4ID001. The evaluation of the attack begins upon receipt
of the initial NBC 1 (Nuclear) Report with the immediate priorities
concentrated on establishment of an accurate ground zero location,
estimate of the yield, and determination of the time-of-burst.
Initial NBC 1 (Nuclear) Reports can be expected to contain very little
usable information other than the fact that a nuclear attack has occurred
and an approximate time and general information concerning the location
of the attack. The bulk of the information concerning a nuclear attack
can most likely be expected in subsequent NBC 1 (Nuclear) Reports.
In order to process NBC 1 (Nuclear) Reports, you must be able to:
Recognize nuclear reporting information
Extract and evaluate data from the reports
Recognize Nuclear Reporting Information
The provisions of the Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 2103 have
standardized the reporting of information by Allied Armies. Figure 1 on
page 2 in the Supplemental Booklet lists the information reported by
letter item by Allied Forces. Each NBC report has specific letter items
that must be reported. However, the users may add other applicable items
at their own discretion if that item will assist the development of
information on that attack.
Extract And Evaluate Data
As early as possible, preferably in the initial NBC 1 (Nuclear) Report,
units should report letter items D, H, and either B and C or F. If this
information was not reported in the initial NBC 1 (Nuclear) Report, it
must be reported as soon as possible in a subsequent NBC 1 (Nuclear)
Report. Any refinement of previously reported information should also be
reported in subsequent NBC 1