placed over it as effectively as possible.
pot ignites shortly before the previous one burns out. To
Sometimes you may need smoke for a longer period
prevent starting unwanted fires, the ground around the
of time than would be provided by just one smoke pot.
Some of the smoke pots described in this lesson are
This method of ignition is called chain ignition.
designed to stack, or mate, end to end. A number of
This chain ignition continues until all mate smoke pots
ABC-M5 smoke pots can be arranged to ignite in
have burned.
succession, thus providing smoke for a longer period than
Figure 12 illustrates smoke pots stacked ready for
is possible using a single pot. To accomplish chain
chain ignition.
ignition, the pots can be placed in stacks and the topmost
pot in the stack ignited, or they can be laid on their sides
end to end and the pot with the exposed igniting device
ignited. Prior to stacking or being on their side, the outer
covers must be removed from all pots so that the igniting
devices are exposed. The ABC-M5 smoke pot is
especially designed for vertical stacking and because the
bottom of one pot fits snugly into the top of the one below
it, no support is required.
Whether pots are stacked vertically or laid on their
sides, the heat generated by one burning pot in a series
ignites the adjacent pot. The total burning time of a series
of smoke pots ignited by chain ignition is slightly less
Figure 12. Stacked smoke pots.
than the sum of the individual burning times because each