Figure 7. Four phases of smoke cloud.
Figure 8. Spacing guide.
meters and for a blanket 35 meters.
should be concealed from the enemy. A shield must be
improvised that masks the glare but allows the smoke to
escape freely.
Part E - Identify the Field
Expedient Methods for
Emplacement of Smoke Pots
Concealment of Smoke Pots
There are two methods of concealing the glare of
smoke pots. These are the drum method and the covered
trench method. Use the procedures below to construct
For training purposes, all flammable material (leaves,
these emplacements.
sticks, and dead grass) will be removed from the stacking
Drum Method. To use this method, follow these
area. Failure to do so will result in fire.
Step 1. Cut a 14-inch (.3 meter) diameter hole in the
In combat the enemy is likely to shoot at things that
glow in the dark. Since smoke pots produce light, they