You will learn to describe the M157 Smoke Generator System and the uses of this smoke set. You must
be able to --
Describe the M157 Smoke Generator System.
Describe the capabilities and limitations of the M157 Smoke Generator System.
Describe the uses of smoke on the battlefield.
Identify the uses of smoke and the importance of cover and concealment.
The mechanical smoke generator is a device that vaporizes fog oil and releases it to condense in the air
as a white smoke useful for large-area smoke screening. The M157 Smoke Generator System uses M54
Smoke Generators with pulse-jet engines to produce smoke. Each pulse-jet engine has only one moving
part, a 16-petal engine valve. When in operation the engine produces combustion gases that atomize the
fog oil as it is pumped into the generator combustion chamber and forces it out through the discharge
1. M157 Smoke Generator System. The M157 Smoke Generator System (Figure 1-1) is a self-
contained assembly consisting of two M54 Smoke Generators, a fog oil tank assembly, a fog oil pump
assembly, an air compressor assembly, a control panel assembly, and fuel cans. Each M54 Smoke
Generator uses approximately 40 gallons of fog oil and 3 gallons of fuel per hour. The set will produce
smoke at wind speeds up to 40 miles (64 K) per hour.
2. Mounting the M157 Smoke Generator System. It may be mounted on either the M113A2
Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) or the M998 High-Mobility, Multipurpose, Wheeled Vehicle
(HMMWV) (Figure 1-2). When mounted on the M113A2, it becomes the M1059 Smoke Generator
System. When mounted on the M998 HMMWV, it becomes the M157/M998 Smoke Generator System.
The M1059 has a three-person crew: the driver, the tank commander (TC), and the generator operator.
The M157/M998 has a two-person crew: the driver and the TC/generator operator. The M157 Smoke
Generator System will operate at any angle up to 45 degrees in any direction, but the M113A2 will
operate at angles up to 30 degrees side to side. The set is remotely operated inside the vehicle, which
provides cover.