Step 2. Pull the dust cap straight out of the charging socket.
Step 3. Ensure that the charging socket is clean and dry.
The dust cap is not airtight or watertight. If water or moisture has collected or if dust,
dirt, or other foreign matter has entered the charging socket, it must be cleaned and
dried thoroughly before use. Otherwise, the charger will not operate properly.
Step 4. Rotate the chuck counterclockwise to its fully opened position.
Step 5. If the charger has not been used for a month or longer, turn the charging knob clockwise a
minimum of ten revolutions to activate the voltage regulator.
Step 6. See that the charging end and the body of the dosimeter to be charged are thoroughly clean
and dry.
b. Adapter installation procedures. If charging United Kingdom dosimeters, install the adapter
using the steps outlined below.
Do not attempt to charge other types of dosimeters with the adapter installed.
Step 1. Remove the adapter from the dust cap and ensure that it is clean and dry.
Step 2. Insert the adapter (larger end down) into the charging socket. Ensure that the adapter seats
firmly in the charging socket.
c. Dosimeter charging procedures. Once the charger has been prepared, use it to charge
dosimeters as follows:
Step 1. Insert the dosimeter's charging end into the charging socket as far as it will go, applying
firm pressure straight downward (Figure 2-7).
Do not apply too much pressure on the dosimeter, or the plastic disk in the dosimeter's
charging end may rupture.