Step 3. Ensure that the charging pedestal is clean and dry.
Step 4. If the charger has not been used for a month or longer, turn the charging knob clockwise a
minimum of ten revolutions to activate the voltage regulator.
Step 5. Place the charger on a flat, level surface, such as a bench or table. Face the window of the
charger toward a good source of light.
Step 6. Ensure that the charging end and the body of the dosimeter are thoroughly clean.
b. Dosimeter charging procedures. After the charger has been prepared, it is used to charge
Step 1. Place the charging end of the dosimeter over the charging pedestal. Then, applying firm
pressure, press the dosimeter straight down onto the charging pedestal (Figure 2-11).
Be sure to press the dosimeter straight down. Do not apply too much pressure, or the
plastic disk in the dosimeter's charging end may rupture.
Figure 2-11. Placing the Dosimeter Over the Charging Pedestal
Step 2. Hold the charger with the dosimeter installed so that the window is toward a good light
source (Figure 2-12). A flashlight is a good field expedient.
Figure 2-12. Holding the Charger With Dosimeter to a Light Source
Light source