contamination where the decay is very slow. Dose rates and locations can be
plotted directly without further processing.
Guidance for Ground Survey Party.
Normally, survey parties are briefed prior to conduct of the survey. This
briefing may be centralized or conducted on an individual basis and may vary
in detail from an area assignment to specific route and point assignments
for each survey party. Basically, more general assignments facilitate the
initiation of the survey, whereas the more specific assignments reduce
security, communication, and interpretation difficulties.
The degree of
briefing detail depends upon the time available to plan the survey,
feasibility of a centralized briefing, and status of training of survey
party personnel.
The plan for the ground survey is similar to the aerial survey plan; that
is, a series of routes and points are selected along which dose-rate data
are obtained. Dose-rate readings are recorded and reported by the monitor
of the survey party.
Survey Meter Location in Vehicles.
Most dose-rate readings taken during a ground survey by mounted personnel,
using the route technique will be taken inside the vehicle and later
converted to ground dose rates, using a correlation factor. For operational
situations, it is preferred that the correlation factor data be obtained by
the survey party for the control party in calculating ground dose rates.
The survey meter should be located as indicated in Table 4-3.
If the
vehicle being used is not one with the location of the survey meter
designated, the survey meter should be held in a vertical position (face up)
by the monitor who is positioned in the assistant driver's seat.
monitor should take the readings with the survey meter consistently located
in the selected position. When correlation factor data cannot be obtained
by the survey party, published correlation factors may be used from Table
4-3 on pages 4-22 and 4-23.
Correlation Factor Data.
a. Requirement.
Correlation factor data are required in order to convert the reported
readings taken inside the vehicle to ground dose rates existing outside the
vehicle. That is, to convert shielded total dose rate to unshielded total
dose rate.