b. Providing Data.
Data for the vehicle correlation factor are provided by the survey party and
consist of a set of two readings taken at the same location. One reading is
taken inside the vehicle with the instrument located as indicated in Figure
4-1 on page 4-5.
All subsequent inside readings reported for the survey
must be taken with the meter in this same position. The other reading is
taken immediately as a normal ground monitoring reading at the same location
with the vehicle pulled away at least 10 meters. One or two additional sets
of data should be taken at different locations so that the control party can
use an average vehicle correlation factor. The sites for obtaining vehicle
correlation factor data should be selected to approximate average foliage
and ground surface conditions for the contaminated area. New data must be
obtained if these conditions change significantly or if the survey meter or
vehicle is changed.
Additional correlation factor data taken because of
changes should not be averaged into previously collected data, but should be
used for applicable routes or points.
Accuracy of the correlation factor
data is of great importance.
Recording and Reporting.
a. Recording.
The radiological data sheet, designed for recording data obtained by
monitoring and survey will be used for recording data obtained during ground
surveys. Data obtained, using the route technique, is recorded on DA Form
Data obtained, using the point or preselected dose-rate
technique, is recorded on DA Form 1971-R.
b. Reporting.
Data from ground surveys are reported as rapidly as possible to the control
party directing the survey, without screening or evaluation by intermediate
headquarters. The reporting is accomplished, using communication methods in
the preference order indicated below:
1. The survey party reports by radio direct to the control party.
2. The survey part reports by radio to the nearest area communications
center and then to the control party.
3. The survey party proceeds to the nearest unit and uses its
facilities to report through the area communications center to the authority
directing the survey.
4. The survey party proceeds to the nearest area communications center
and reports by available means direct to the control party.