f. Smoke Employment.
The decon platoon, coordinating with its parent chemical company and the division or corps chemical
staff, has the option of using smoke hazes to screen the site. This may be necessary if the site is not in a
built-up area. A thorough decontamination site is a good target. The constant flow of vehicles into the
site as well as into the assembly areas at either end of the site may be very visible. Decoy smoke screens
should also be considered to serve as a deception measure for diverting attention from the
decontamination operation.
(Detailed procedures on use of smoke screens during thorough
decontamination can be found in FM 3-50.)
Execution Phase.
The execution phase is the actual implementation of the two techniques of this operation: Detailed
Troop Decontamination and Detailed Equipment Decontamination.
a. Site Control and Security.
The main body of the contaminated unit arrives at the release point and is met by the chemical platoon
leader. After the key leadership personnel are briefed, they lead their units into the predecon staging
area. This area is protected. The size and configuration is such that the entire contaminated unit can
remain concealed while they await entrance into the decon site. The unit commander and key personnel
are briefed by the chemical platoon leader on the decontamination site layout. The platoon leader points
out the overwatch positions that secure the site. The contaminated unit secures the site and controls
access into the area.
b. Predecon Actions.
Before the contaminated unit enters the decontamination site, there are several actions that must be taken
in order to get maximum benefit from the decontamination procedures.
segregate accordingly.
(2) Crews, except drivers, dismount their vehicle, and remain out of the vehicle until after the
decon processing is completed. This will prevent further contamination to the interior of the vehicle.
Check dismounted personnel for type of contamination and segregate accordingly.
CM 2506