f. Military Police.
Military Police (MP) support for decontamination and reconstitution efforts will be limited. The area
commander and provost marshal set mission priorities among the many MP missions. MPs may provide
escort services for contaminated units moving to thorough decontamination sites. It is unlikely that MPs
will assist with decontamination site security. This will be the responsibility of the contaminated unit.
Limited MP support may be available, as determined by the area commander, for traffic control outside
the decontamination site.
g. Quartermaster.
Showers are not required for detailed troop decontamination of chemical and biological agents.
However, after prolonged periods of fighting in MOPP Gear, showers can improve the morale and
hygiene of troops. Quartermaster facilities from the supply and service company may provide laundry
and bath. The ART requests these services. Do not consider the runoff water from these showers
contaminated with agents.
Showers may or may not be needed for radiological decon. If MOPP 4 was used as a protective measure
against fallout, no showers will be needed. But, provision of showers can improve the morale and
hygiene of troops. If MOPP 4 was not used, then contamination will be lodged in hair and on skin and
can only be removed by showering. The runoff will be contaminated and should be controlled.
Simultaneous attacks will be part of the enemy's strategy. It would be a grave mistake to assume
that the enemy will not use combinations of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. Once NBC
weapons have been introduced on the battlefield, the enemy likely will try to deceive you regarding the
hazard to which you are being exposed.
The thermal effects of a nuclear blast might destroy the effects of any chemical or biological
weapons used at the same time. But, chemical or biological weapons can be very effective if they
follow a nuclear attack or are used in the surrounding area. Blast casualties and psychologically stressed
soldiers would be very vulnerable. Agents could enter collective protective shelters, communications
facilities, and vehicles damaged by the nuclear detonation. Weapons employed in this sequence could
mix chemical and biological agents with the nuclear fallout.
CM 2506