Commanders may elect to have MOPP Gear Exchange performed at a location that differs from the
Vehicle Washdown area. In this type of situation, the contaminated unit will be required to perform all
site cleanup requirements when the exchange is completed.
b. Marking and Reporting.
The battalion PDDE crew marks the operational decontamination site with standard NBC warning
markers. They report the location of the contaminated area, through channels, using the NBC Warning
and Reporting System. These important actions help assure that friendly forces avoid the contaminated
area, if at all possible, unless bypassing the site interferes with mission accomplishment.
Organization of Operations.
a. Thorough Decontamination Operations involve the use of two techniques: Detailed Troop
and Detailed Equipment Decontamination.
b. Contaminated units of company size or larger set up and operate a thorough decontamination
site with the assistance of other units. Smaller size units do not have sufficient personnel to operate a
site; therefore, additional soldiers will be required to take over the setup and operation. This additional
support may come from available chemical platoons.
c. Because thorough decontamination is so resource intensive, it should be done as part of
reconstitution operations. Generally:
■ Companies perform thorough decontamination operations in the brigade support area.
■ Battalions decontaminate in the division support area.
■ Larger organizations decontaminate in the corps support area.
d. Thorough decontamination and reconstitution take place in three separate areas:
■ Predecon staging area: Located approximately one to two kilometers from the decon area.
The contaminated unit gathers here and is briefed on site layout and operation.
CM 2506