b. ART.
The battalion commander activates the Assessment and Recovery Team (ART). This team determines
what combat effectiveness remains in the unit and, if required, what must be done to restore it. If the
ART determines that adequate supplies are not available from the battalion, the brigade support area
(forward support battalion) provides the supplies. (Further information on the composition and duties of
the ART is given in FM 71-100.)
c. Medical.
A team or section from the battalion aid station is required to support the decontamination site. They
triage casualties at the site. Casualties requiring decontamination process through a patient
decontamination station set up and run by a patient decon squad. The patient decon squad is provided
by the battalion being supported by the aid station.
d. Logistical.
The logistical support package is provided by the forward support battalion and organized from the
brigade support area elements. This provides the contaminated unit one-stop shopping: Resupply,
service, and refit capability. At a minimum, the following classes of supply should be provided by the
logistics support package:
■ Class I (food)
■ Class II (clothing, individual equipment)
■ Class VIII (medical)
■ Class IX (repair parts)
e. Maintenance.
The maintenance element provides intermediate forward support maintenance to the contaminated unit.
This consists of wheel, track, armament, and communication equipment contact teams. The teams
supplement the unit's organic maintenance capability. Heavy recovery capability is required for tracked
vehicle decontamination. (FM 29-12 contains details for maintenance support.)
CM 2506