Lesson 1/Learning Event 1
Is simple. It reduces all essential elements to their simplest form and eliminates those
elements not essential to successful action. A good plan also eliminates all possibilities for
Is flexible. It leaves room for adjustments because of operating conditions and, where
necessary, stipulates alternate courses of action.
Provides for control. Adequate means exist, or have been provided, to carry out the plan in
accordance with the commander's intent.
Is co-ordinated. All elements fit together, control measures are complete and understandable,
and mutual support requirements are identified and provided for.
Adequate and practical planning is essential to the success of any military undertaking. The extent of
planning needed for an operation varies with the level of command. In planning, staff sections
concentrate on those features which are applicable to their area of interest. The NBCE would naturally
be concerned with planning chemical ad radiological surveys.
The Planning Sequence. The planning sequence is a series of steps which represent a logical
progression of command and staff (NBCE) actions required to develop plans. These steps, which
parallel steps commanders would take in making and executing decisions, are applicable to all staffs in
preparing plans and recommendations. The timing and complexity will vary depending on the level of
command and size of the operation.
The planning sequence consists of the following steps:
Forecast to determine probable commitments,
Examine probable commitments and establish priority of further preparation,
Study implications of commitments to determine assumed mission,
Analyze mission to determine tasks,
Determine guidance,
Prepare planning studies,
Select course(s) of action,
Prepare complete plans, and
Conduct rehearsals.
Forecasting is the first step in the planning sequence. The commander and his staff analyze and evaluate
facts and trends to determine probable commitments and to predict future developments.