Lesson 2/Learning Event 2
Status of training. Inadequate training or losses of trained personnel may limit survey capability. The
status of training must be considered in selection of the type of survey. Status of training of control
parties at subordinate headquarters will affect the method of survey (centralized or decentralized).
Time-distance. Time-distance factors must be estimated and considered when selecting the type of
survey most appropriate to obtain and allow evaluation of required information within established time
limits. Generally, required information for tactical planning cannot be determined until fallout has
ceased. Survey operations should not be initiated until fallout has ceased. Dependence upon monitoring
reports is the primary method of obtaining a rough estimate of contamination Information during fallout.
Radiation status. Radiation dose status of
survey personnel and
the operation exposure guide set by
commander must be evaluated when planning the type of survey.
Communications. Availability of
communications facilities will
affect all phases of
the survey plan.
Centralized aerial survey will normally impose the least communications load.
Maps. The NBCE must consider the maps, and the areas they cover, available to units that will
participate in the survey.
When an estimate of the situation indicates a need for additional information, the requirements may
necessitate special reports as discussed in detail below.
Points, Routes, or Areas of Operational Interest. Some points, routes, or areas within a detected
contamination hazard area may be of particular operational interest and thus may require more urgent,
detailed, or precise information than the remainder of the hazard area. Requirements for additional
information in the contaminated area should be established by appropriate staff officers in coordination
with the chemical officer. Special monitoring or survey missions may be necessary to satisfy these
requirements. Examples of points, routes, or areas about which additional information might be
required are ammunition or other vital supply points, main supply routes, proposed attack or
counterattack routes, assembly areas, and critical observation posts.
Dose-Rate Determination. If an estimate of the situation indicates that available ground dose-rate
information will be insufficient for required dose calculations, radiological survey or special monitoring
reports will be required.