Lesson 2/Learning Event 2
Factors Affecting the Survey Plan
Many factors will impact upon the radiological survey plan. The survey plan for a particular area will
probably contain a combination of types of survey, techniques to be used, and control methods. For
example, a typical daylight survey of a contaminated area may include a centralized and a decentralized
ground survey combined with a centralized aerial survey, where each covers a different zone within the
contaminated are, and all the techniques may be employed. Some of the many variables affecting the
survey planning function, with guidance concerning their major effects, are listed below. In the
preparation of the survey plan, each of these factors must be estimated and balanced against the need for
Knowledge of the Contamination. Knowledge about the contaminated area which is
available or
expected to be available (such as monitoring reports) will determine the size of the area to be surveyed
and the amount of detail required.
Operational Situation. The operational situation will affect the survey plan. In rapidly changing
situations, centralized control may be necessary.
In a rapidly changing situation, aerial survey is desirable but ground survey may be required for critical
routes such as main supply routes and counterattack routes. The operational situation will dictate the
availability of personnel and equipment
Urgency. Centralized aerial survey is normally the most rapid means of obtaining information.
Weather. Aerial survey may be precluded by poor visibility. Surveys should be delayed, if possible,
Time of survey. Detailed ground surveys normally can be accomplished any time, whereas aerial
surveys will be limited primarily to daylight hours.
Terrain. The road nets and the ability of the soil to support ground movement may determine the use of
ground survey. Aerial survey is of limited use in mountainous terrain. In areas (arctic, desert jungle)
where reference points are rare, marking may be required and the type of survey must be carefully