Lesson 2/Learning Event 3
There are a number of factors which influence the amount of detail required on radiological surveys.
The amount of detail to be included in a radiological survey is mostly dependent upon the amount of
information needed to provide the commander with valid advice about the contamination. If the
commander needs dose rates at only one or two locations, the survey would not cover a wide area. If
sufficient detail is already available from monitoring reports, a survey may not even be required.
Other factors which will impact upon the amount of detail are discussed in the following paragraphs.
Note that these factors closely parallel the operational situation factors discussed in Learning Event 2.
The time available.
The size of the survey area.
The number of survey teams available and the number of teams required.
The predicted extent of fallout
The stability of the tactical situation.
Time Available and Size of Survey Area. Obviously, when much time is available and the size of the
survey area is small, more detail can be obtained than when time is short and the area to be covered is
The Number of Survey Teams Available and the Number Required. The operational situation may
affect the number of survey teams available. When a large area must be surveyed and few teams are
available, the few teams will probably have to take a limited number of readings. The limited number of
readings will dictate that, initially at least, only a simplified contamination overlay be prepared.
The Predicted Extent of Fallout. The predicted extent of fallout will be the initial basis for determining
the size of the area to be surveyed. The size of the area will impact on the amount of information which
the teams available can obtain.
The Stability of the Tactical Situation. The tactical situation will affect the time available for a survey
and thereby the detail of the survey. A stable situation will allow time for a detailed survey while a
rapidly changing situation may allow only a limited survey.