Roll your buddy's hood. Leave the zipper on the hood closed. Lift the hood
straight up off your buddy's shoulders by grasping the straps where they
connect to the back of the hood (do not grasp under the hood).
Pull the
hood (by the straps) up and over the head until the bottom of the back of
the hood is to the top of the eyelens outserts but not over.
Check for
liquid contamination on the underside of the hood edges and decon if
Put one fold, about two inches, on the forehead, then begin
rolling tightly at both temples simultaneously, by tucking in with the
thumbs as you roll towards the bottom of the zipper.
(c) M17/M24/M25A1 Masks.
Make a continuous roll, like a horseshoe, then roll
tightly, to the voicemitter or the hose of the M24/M25A1.
(d) M40/M42 Masks.
Hold the mask firmly in place to avoid breaking the seal. Make the rolls
from each side of the hood come to a point at the bottom of the zipper,
forming a V. Put a half twist in the V, forming the two sides into a tail.
Then fold the tail between the upper part of the canister and the mask, tie
tail over and under the hose of the M42.
Reverse roles and decon your
buddy's hood. When both hoods are complete, proceed to Station 3.
Buddies should check each other's overboots and
overgarment for damage. Any rips, tears, or punctures
in overboots, rubber gloves, or overgarment should be
reported to the attendant at Station 5.
This will
allow the attendant to check you for chemical agent
(3) Risk.
If this step is done improperly, you risk transferring contamination to
underclothing and combat boots.
You also risk transferring agent to the
head and neck area from the hood.
c. Station 3.
Overgarment Removal.
Performing this step removes contaminated overgarments before an
penetrates overgarment material and touches undergarments or skin.