Detailed Troop Decontamination Stations.
The Detailed Troop Decon (DTD) has eight stations.
The following is a
discussion of each station and the resources required.
a. Station 1.
Individual Gear Decon.
This station removes contamination to a negligible risk level from the
individual equipment: load-carrying equipment (LCE), mask carrier, helmet,
and weapon.
(1) Preparation.
The following equipment and supplies are needed:
Three 30-gallon containers
Two long-handled brushes
Two ponchos or plastic tarps
Sufficient STB slurry mix
A sump (6 feet wide x 6 feet long x 4 feet deep)
The chemical detection/identification equipment you will need is:
Eight books of M8 or M9 Chemical Agent Detector Paper
One hundred plastic trash bags
Three soldiers are required to operate this station. One soldier supervises
the decon of the individual gear and takes the decontaminated equipment to
the check station. This soldier prepares new slurry mixtures as necessary.
One soldier remains at the checkpoint and checks all gear for completeness
of decon.
One soldier transports the decontaminated gear to the reissue
(2) Execution.
Decontaminate gloves with water or STB slurry mix.
If wearing the M24,
M25A1, or M42 Mask, use hot, soapy water and sponge or STB dry mix to decon
the hose and canister. Decon gear by washing in decontaminant container and
scrubbing the gear for six minutes. Then dip the gear into rinse water for
four minutes.
The station attendant will take the gear to the equipment
Place the decontaminated gear on the "dirty" side of the
control line.
appropriate detection device.
The monitor holds the device one inch from
the gear and checks for residual contamination.
If it exceeds negligible
risk levels, recycle the gear. If the gear passes, place it on the "clean"
side of the control line. An attendant carries it to the reissue point.