(1) Preparation.
The materials and equipment needed at this station are:
Two 30-gallon garbage cans
One hundred plastic bags or at least one per soldier
Ten boxes M258A1 or M291 Decon Kits
This station requires only one soldier, He supervises the actions of the
soldiers processing through the station.
(2) Execution.
Buddy teams will split up and continue the decon process individually.
Station attendant assists in the removal of the overgarment. Cut or remove
the M9 Paper if it is binding around the wrist. Station attendant unfastens
the Velcro closure over the jacket zipper, the jacket's waist cord, and the
wrist Velcro straps first.
Then unfasten the three back snaps, not
underneath, and pulling firmly. When removing the jacket, the soldier keeps
the fingers together, like a salute, as the station attendant pulls the
wrist straps and each arm comes out. The jacket is discarded.
To remove the trousers, first cut or remove the M9 Paper if it is binding
around the ankles.
Unfasten the trouser cuff Velcro straps and zippers.
Then carefully unfasten the front waist snaps and lower the front zipper.
Avoid loosening the side waist tabs if at all possible. Very seldom is it
necessary to loosen the waist tabs to remove the trousers. While squatting
in front of and facing the buddy, the attendant grasps the trousers near the
knees and works the trousers down below the knees, ensuring that
contaminated parts of the trousers do not fold in and touch the clean
uniform. The station attendant will have the soldier lift one leg and point
that foot down and bend slightly at the knees for stability. The attendant
then grasps the cuff of the elevated foot with a hand on each side and pulls
the cuff in an alternating, jerking motion until the soldier can step out of
the trouser leg. The station attendant cautions the soldier not to rub the
contaminated boot against the clean leg. The attendant ensures the soldier
steps wide enough so as not to rub the clean leg against the overgarment.
The process is repeated for the other leg. The trousers are discarded. The
soldier moves to Station 4.