Lesson 3/Learning Event 2
One of the most important tasks to be accomplished by the NBC defense officer or NCO is to
insure that the authorized NBC equipment is on hand and in good condition. This must be done
to insure that the unit has the resources required to operate under combat conditions in an NBC
environment. This is a continuing task requiring research, initiative, and follow-up action.
After identifying the NBC supplies which are authorized in your unit, you must now compare
those figures with the NBC supplies which are actually on hand in the unit. There is really only
one way to accurately verify the on-hand quantity of NBC supplies. That is to go out and look at
them. Conduct of a physical inventory requires time and patience. A physical inventory requires
that you see each item accounted for with few exceptions. These exceptions are:
Items which are signed out to another unit or maintenance facilities are considered
accounted for when proper hand receipt or maintenance turn-in forms are on hand.
Items which are in a sealed shipping or packing container are accounted for in the
quantities shown on the container. If the container has been opened, the items inside
must be counted.
When conducting a physical inventory, it means just what the name implies. You cannot take
shortcuts and expect to obtain accurate figures. If your protective overgarments are signed out to
the sections or squads, for example, you must go to that location and count them. If you call that
section chief or squad leader to ask for a count, you will be told that they have the number signed
for. They may have more or they may have less, but they will invariably report the number from
the hand receipt.
Another pitfall of which you must be aware is expiration dates. You are counting usable
supplies. If you have 23 M256 Chemical Agent Detector Kits but 6 of them are expired, you can
count only 17 as on-hand.
When conducting an inventory of items with serial numbers, such as radiacmeters, you must
check not only the number of items, but also that the items bear the correct serial number.
When your inventory reveals that items are missing or unaccounted for, you should inform the
commander immediately. If a shortage exists in the on-hand quantity of an item, you must take
steps to acquire the necessary quantity.