Lesson 3/Learning Event 1
To determine NBC supplies authorized by your unit, you will require research in a number of
publications. Your search will most likely start by checking the TOE/MTOE or TDA under
which your unit is formed. These authorization documents will form the initial basis for your
NBC supplies authorization. Here you will find the type and quantity of radiation measuring
devices, chemical agent detector kits, and automatic chemical agent alarms authorized in your
unit. You will also find the number of personnel, vehicles, and towed crew-served weapons
From the number of personnel authorized, you will be able to determine the number of protective
overgarments, individual decontamination kits, atropine injectors, and other necessary items
which are authorized. You can also determine the number of protective masks authorized,
although these would probably show as an individual item on the MTOE. Protective masks
would be shown by type (M17, M24, or M25-series) dependent on the type of unit.
From the authorized vehicles and towed crew-served weapons, you can determine the number of
decontamination apparatuses, 1 1/3-quart cans of DS2, and nitrogen cylinders authorized on
hand. If your unit is authorized tracked vehicles, you can determine if those vehicles are
authorized gas-particulate filters.
In addition to those NBC supplies authorized by TOE/MTOE or TDA, your unit may be
authorized NBC supplies from other authorizations. AR 220-58 authorizes you to stock up to 5
percent above MTOE, TDA, or CTA levels of the following items:
Mask, Protective, Field M17-series
Hood, Mask, Field M6A2
Filter Element, M13A2
Mask, Protective, Aircraft M24
Hood, Mask, Aircraft M7
Mask, Protective, Tank, M25
Hood, Mask, Tank M5
Suit, Cml Protective
Clothing Outfit, Cml Protective
Glove and Sock Set, Cml Protective
Decontamination and Reimpregnation Kit, M13