supply point and smoke objective. The location of the fuel supply point must be flexible in relation to the FLOT
and the smoke objective. One rule of thumb is that this fuel point should be no further than a 1 hour round trip by
truck to the smoke generator unit it services.
Support of smoke operations in rear areas may be easier to plan for than those in forward areas. Smoke
operations in the rear areas are often close to class III or other supply activities. This means that a smoke-fuel
supply point may be supported from existing activities. Smoke operations are usually longer in duration in the
rear, thus requiring more fog oil, other fuels, and class IX (Repair Parts) support.
Methods for resupplying fog oil to stationary smoke points and mobile smoke elements vary. Stationary
smoke points are resupplied on line during a smoke mission. This requires the fog oil and MOGAS resupply
squad to move to each point as needed. This increases the vulnerability of the resupply squad or section and the
smoke point.
Mobile units may be resupplied in the smoke lane 1 to 2 kilometers to the rear. The fog oil resupply squad or
section can colocate with a supported unit's combat trains for security purposes. The amount of time to resupply
one smoke system must be accurately calculated so that support of the smoke mission is not degraded. Use cover
and concealment for resupply. Resupply smoke systems by rotating them from smoke lanes to resupply points.
When an empty system leaves a lane replace it with a full system. Because mobile smoke systems can cover
larger areas, fewer systems are required to produce an adequate smoke screen.
Forward resupply for mobile smoke operations near the forward line of own troops (FLOT) will require close
coordination, strict adherence to practiced standing operating procedures (SOP), and good communications
between the smoke generator unit leader and the fuel resupply unit leader. Refueling the mobile smoke platoon(s)
may not be practical in one group; therefore, smaller elements, or even individual vehicles may have to be rotated
through a resupply point coordinated between the smoke unit leader and the fuel resupply leader.
The proximity of the fuel resupply point to the FLOT may also dictate the necessity for additional security at
the resupply point. This may require the smoke unit to request this extra security from the supported units.
A planning consideration for refueling the mechanized smoke unit is that the mechanized smoke unit have
tracked vehicles (M1059) while the vehicles from the fuel maintenance element have wheeled vehicles. The
ability to cross rough terrain by both types of vehicles must be taken into account.