Personal contact.
The smoke platoon sergeant ensures continuous operation of the smoke line until the command "stop smoke"
is received. Generator breakdown during operations will be handled by the operator. If the repair will exceed a
few minutes, the generator will be replaced. This helps to eliminate coverage problems created by nonoperational
smoke generator positions.
Observation posts are used to observe smoke screen coverage on the target area. Information on any gaps in
coverage, or areas that are thinly covered, is sent to the smoke control point. The smoke control point may decide
to shift generator positions to fill these problem areas or direct the use of smoke pots to fill these gaps. You may
be directed to relocate your squad or part of your squad to a different location. When directed to move part of
your squad, shut down and move every other position. This reduces the possibility of creating a new gap in the
smoke screen while relocating to fill an existing gap.
During operation, monitor the rate that your squad or mobile system (M157 or M1059) is using fog oil and
gasoline. Determine how long it takes to be resupplied and request resupply using this time frame. For example:
The resupply time has consistently been 15 minutes upon request. Request resupply when the generator with the
highest consumption rate has 30 minutes of fuel remaining. This will allow you a 15-minute margin in case of
unexpected delays. In the event resupply has not taken place during the 15-minute margin, transfer of fog oil and
gasoline from stationary positions with lower consumption rates to positions with higher consumption rates or
proceed to POL point for refuel of mobile systems.
When the command "stop smoke" is received, the smoke platoon sergeant will direct the squad leaders to shut
down all smoke generators. If the platoon is to remain at this location, the smoke platoon sergeant will direct the
platoon to perform operator maintenance on all smoke generators. Or, if the platoon is moving to another site,
loading procedures will commence.
Learning Event 6
Tactical resupply of fog oil is a critical mission task for smoke elements. Extensive training and rehearsal for
fog oil resupply is conducted. Considerations are given to --
Availability of fog oil.
Dedicated transportation assets for the hauling of fog oil.
Base load criteria based on consumption rates and duration of mission.
Fog oil transfer techniques.
Cover, concealment, and security for fog oil resupply points.
To support smoke operations near the forward line of own troops (FLOT) in the close or main battle area the
smoke fuel platoon establishes a smoke fuel supply point between the BSA petroleum, oils, and lubricants (POL)