Another way to check for good smoke is to glance through the edge of the smoke toward the sun.
Through the smoke, the sun should appear to be light-orange to pink. The smoke should be dense and
white (Figure 8).
Figure 8. Characteristics of good smoke.
If the smoke is closer to the nozzles than shown in Figure 8, your generator may be putting out a
wet smoke. There are two ways to check for wet smoke:
Fog oil will drip from the outlet nozzles.
The sunlight will look purplish or bluish when you glance at the sun through the edge of the smoke.
If you have a wet smoke, slow down the flow of fog oil. This is done by slowly turning the oil
metering globe valve handle clockwise to decrease the flow of fog oil. This will vaporize the excess fog
oil more quickly. When you see a bluish haze coming from the outlet nozzles, slowly open the oil
metering globe valve.
Learning Event 2
Chemical smoke generator units are normally employed to conceal troops, operations, and
installations, and to deceive the enemy through the use of smoke. Smoke generators can be used to
provide smoke for large-area smoke screens, small-area smoke screens, and dummy screens as described