(5) To:
This line will identify those higher, lower, and adjacent units which are
to receive the message.
(6) Type of Report:
This line will identify the message as an NBC 3 (Nuclear) Report.
b. Body of the NBC 3 (Nuclear) Report.
The body of the NBC 3 (Nuclear) Report will contain lines A, D, F, Y, and
Z. Each line will contain specific data concerning the nuclear burst as
indicated below.
(1) ALFA:
The strike serial number assigned the nuclear burst by the NBCE will be
shown in this line.
(2) DELTA:
This line will show the date/time of the detonation. The time may be in
either local or ZULU time but it must be indicated which type of time was
used. Normally, NATO forces operating in a NATO theater will use ZULU
The actual or estimated location of the attack will be shown in this
It must be specified whether it is an actual or estimated
This line will contain the direction measured clockwise from grid north
to the left and then the right radial lines. The measurement will be
shown in eight digits (four digits for each radial line) and can be
either degrees or mils. It must be shown which measurement is used.
(5) ZULU:
This line consists of eight digits. The first three digits will give the
effective wind speed rounded to the nearest kmph.
The second three
digits will give the downwind distance to ZONE I rounded to the nearest
The last two digits will give the cloud radius rounded to the
nearest km. As an example, if the calculated data was a 23.7 kmph wind
speed, 16 km downwind distance to ZONE I, and a cloud radius of 2.6, line
ZULU of the NBC 3 (Nuclear) Report would appear as: ZULU - 02401603.