3-1. General. The OEG concept is based on unit exposure data maintained on all units. The most
realistic exposure data is obtained at the platoon level rather than the company level because platoons
may be located in areas of different radiation dose rates. They also may remain in these areas for
different periods of time. In order to properly maintain radiation exposure records, you must first
The meaning of the RES categories.
How to use the RES chart.
How to determine a unit's RES.
3-2. Categories of Exposure. Radiation exposure data at the platoon level forms the basis for
determining the RES. Radiation exposure has been established in four categories, based on dose criteria.
These dose criteria are based on the best available estimates for predicting the effects of radiation
exposure and are found in Table 3-1. The RES categories permit the rapid determination of a unit's
potential to operate in a radiologically contaminated area. The four RES categories are defined in Lesson
Table 3-1. RES Categories
The unit has had no radiation exposure.
The unit has been exposed to greater than 0 cGy but less than or
equal to 70 cGy.
The unit has been exposed to greater than 70 cGy but less than or
equal to 150 cGy.
The unit has been exposed to greater than 150 cGy.
3-3. Radiation Exposure Status Chart. The radiation exposure guide concept calls
for maintenance
of platoon radiation exposure records. The exposure records must be collated and translated into usable
data. To provide a rapid means of evaluating exposure data collected at the platoon level, the RES chart
is used (Figure 3-1). Since the radiation status may change daily, charts covered with acetate will assist in
reducing the number of charts necessary for maintenance of current radiation records.
a. All organic and attached platoons are listed in the platoon column. The example used in Figure
3-1 shows only Company A. The other companies in the battalion would be listed in the same manner.
Separate units, such as artillery batteries, would maintain their own RES chart.