Lesson 2/Learning Event 1
Check Fire Extinguisher
The fire extinguisher should be checked before and after operation of the 50-GPM Pump. The
extinguisher normally weighs 2 3/4 pounds. If the weight has decreased more than four ounces,
replace the disposable cylinder. Lubricate the cylinder neck threads with one drop of OE 30 oil
before reassembly.
Replacement of Fire Extinguisher Cylinder. To replace the cylinder:
Depress the trigger to release pressure from the old cylinder.
Loosen the swivel valve coupling nut and remove the valve assembly.
Remove the instruction band from the old cylinder.
Place the new cylinder through the instruction band.
Replace the safety pin in the valve and seal the pin with sealing wire.
Attach the valve assembly and tighten the swivel coupling nut on the new cylinder.
Replace the fire extinguisher in the mounting bracket.
Adjust the instruction band so as to show maintenance and operating instructions. Note
the weight of the newly charged fire extinguisher.
Weekly Operator Checks and Services on the 50-GPM Pump
When the 50-GPM Pump is used frequently, and not in a stored configuration, the operator must
make certain checks weekly in addition to making the before-, during-, and after-operation checks
on the pump. The weekly checks which you should make on the 50-GPM Pump are:
Check the oil level.
Inspect the fuel tank.
Inspect the fuel filter.
Inspect the suction valve.
Inspect the electrical cables, wires, and parts.
Most of the procedures for checking and performing required services are discussed in preceding
paragraphs. The exact procedure for checking the suction valve will not be discussed now.
Inspect Suction Valve. You must check weekly to be sure the suction valve operates properly.
If it does not operate properly, or if it leaks, record the fault on DA Form 2404 and report it to
organizational maintenance personnel.