Army Field Artillery upper air wind data is preferable to wind data
from other sources when the data is obtained from an observation point not
more than one and one-half times as far from the actual or expected ground
zero as the data from other sources.
Table 2-1.
Field Artillery Upper Air Wind Data
Upper Air Wind Data From Other Sources.
wind observations are not available, may be obtained from other sources.
These upper air wind data must provide wind speeds and directions from
consecutive wind layers above the observing station or altitude layers above
mean sea level. For example, wind direction to the nearest 10 degrees from
the true north and wind speed to the nearest knot may be obtained from Air
Weather Service (AWS) detachments within the Field Army. The primary source
for upper air wind data in the continental United States is the U.S.
Weather Bureau, which reports wind direction to the nearest 10 degrees and
wind speed to the nearest knot. Wind direction is the direction from which
the wind is blowing.
Upper air wind observations are transmitted over
various Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) and military weather communications
circuits in a standard upper air wind code agreed upon