Figure 6-1 is a chart of symptoms caused by lower doses of radiation.
Figure 6-1.
A soldier exposed to 650 cGy initially shows no symptoms, but loses some
effectiveness in about 2 hours and can be expected to die within a few weeks
under battlefield conditions.
Exposure in the 100 cGy range usually has
little effect, if there has been no prior radiation exposure. However, the
effects of radiation are cumulative and commanders must maintain records of
the radiation their units have received in order to control and minimize
their accumulated doses.
Figure 6-2 shows how relatively high radiation doses affect personnel, based
upon whether tasks are physical or nonphysical.
In general, the radiation dose which will cause immediate incapacitation is
more than 8000 cGy, but an active soldier suddenly exposed to 3000 cGy will
become incapacitated within 3 to 5 minutes. The soldier may recover to some
degree in about 45 minutes, but due to vomiting, diarrhea, and other
radiation sickness symptoms, the soldier would be only partially effective
until death occurs within a week.