Special consideration must be given to radiological contamination hazard in
The parts of an aircraft exposed to contamination should be
washed with soapy water. This reduces the exposure to radiation. All the
contamination hazard may not be removed, but the aircraft can be operated if
the risk is reduced.
The negligible risk level is 0.33 cGy per hour
measured 1 meter from the contaminated surface.
Commanders may need to
employ aircraft even though contamination cannot be reduced to negligible
risk level. In that case, radiation exposure status (RES) of the crew and
Appendix A.
Except in rare cases of induced radiation, rations in cans or other sealed
containers are not in danger or radiological contamination.
As the
contamination will normally be limited to the outer surface of the sealed
containers, decontamination is accomplished by removing the contamination
from the outer surface. This may be done by removing outer packaging or by
washing or scrubbing under running water. Under no condition should sealed
containers be opened until they have been decontaminated and the
effectiveness of decontamination established.
Food not protected in sealed containers must be suspected of contamination
until monitored. All food should be removed from the contaminated area to a
clean area.
Potatoes and hard-skinned fruits and vegetables can be
decontaminated by washing or scrubbing under running water, followed by the
peeling or scraping and washing again. Running water, if creek or stream,
should be checked for contamination, especially since the water source may
be in the GZ or fallout area. All visible dirt should be brushed from meats
and fish; washing is not recommended. A thin layer of meat can be removed
and the food remonitored. A reduction in dose rate would indicate that the
contamination was confined to the surface of the food.
The cutting away
process can be continued, within practical limits, until the dose-rate
reading is acceptable.
If the dose rate is within acceptable limits
initially or after the outer layer or layers have been removed, the food can
be safely consumed.
As prepared food in open containers will probably be
contaminated, it should be disposed of by burying or as otherwise determined
by designated medical personnel. Radiologically contaminated wash water and
trimmings should be similarly disposed.
Any food that has been exposed to radiological contamination must be
carefully monitored before and after decontamination.
Food in which
radioactivity has been reduced can only be further decontaminated by aging.
Careful monitoring will determine the progress of radioactive decay during
Water that has been in a contaminated area or is suspected of being
contaminated should be monitored and declared safe before it is used for
drinking. Engineers have responsibility for decontamination of