Lesson 2/Learning Event 9
A survey plan will include some aspect of the information from each of the preceding learning events in
Lesson 2. When enough information has been obtained to prepare a survey plan, the plan will include
the evaluation of monitoring data and the determination of the areas for which additional information is
required. The survey plan also will include a statement of the mission, how it is to be executed, and the
administrative, logistical, command, and signal aspects of the mission. Any maps, charts, or other
documents which are required for clarification of the plan should be provided or referenced.
The survey plan should follow generally the same format as the five-paragraph operation order and will
serve as the basis for a briefing. When the radiological survey plan is finalized, it is presented to the
division chemical officer for approval.
Format for a Radiological Survey Plan
The format for a radiological survey plan will contain the following paragraphs.
Situation. This paragraph contains all available information concerning the operational situation and the
contamination situation as they affect the survey.
Operational situation.
Enemy forces. Any available information such as strengths, weaknesses, probable courses of
action, weather, and terrain.
Friendly forces: Available information concerning the missions of next higher and adjacent
forces as they affect the survey.
Attachments and detachments: Information concerning any survey elements that have been
Contamination situation. Present any factual information available about the contaminated area,
to include limits, dose rates, sources of contamination, terrain, and weather.
Mission. A clear, concise statement of the task that must be accomplished by the survey teams. The
and extent of the contamination. The reconnaissance may be done by air, if weather and the threat
permits and aircraft are available. Otherwise, the survey must be done on the ground.