Lesson 2/Learning Event 9
Communications means (primary and alternate) and restrictions on any form of communication.
Command. Location of control party.
Briefing Guidance for Survey Parties
When the survey plan is approved, the essentials of the plan are presented to the survey party, usually in
the form of a briefing. Normally, survey parties are briefed by the officer or NCO in charge of the
control party. This briefing may be centralized or conducted on an individual basis and may vary in
detail from an area assignment to specific route and point assignments for each survey party. Basically,
more general assignments facilitate the initiation of the survey, whereas the more specific assignments
reduce security, communication, and interpretation difficulties. The degree of detail of the briefing
depends upon the time available to plan the survey, the feasibility of a centralized briefing, and the
status of training of survey party personnel.
Survey parties will be briefed, providing guidance in the following areas:
Purpose. This will be to
determine the presence and the level of
fallout activity or
induced radiation
near ground zero, in a specified area, along a route, at the specific location, or any combination of these.
Start Time and Completion Time. The times during which the survey will be conducted will be given.
Conduct of the Survey. The data on surveys may be summarized as an overlay or a marked map by the
control party. For ground surveys, the route to be followed and the locations at which readings will be
taken or the distance between readings will be given.
Radiation Safety Precautions. Based on
the Operation Exposure Guide established by
the commander,
the control party would calculate and furnish to the survey parties the following:
The turn-back dose rate, at which the survey party will immediately leave the fallout area by the
same route they used to enter the area.
The turn-back dose, at which the party will immediately leave the fallout area by the safest route.
Recording Limitations. The minimum dose rate below which no record will be kept should be stated.