Lesson 3/Learning Event 3
In the planning for a chemical survey, co-ordination should be made with the survey element. In this
area to be surveyed, if time permits, attention should be given to shell craters, low-lying patches of
woods, defiles, ravines, streambeds, and area covered with high grass or underbrush. The survey
element should be told to gather as much information as possible about:
The type of agent.
When the attack occurred.
Likely troop and vehicle routes upwind or downwind of the contamination.
Advisability of preparing new routes versus using existing routes through the area.
Location of clean areas.
Terrain features.
Type of vegetation.
The survey team leader would be instructed to report designated critical points immediately. The
information gathering process is described in the following example of a chemical survey mission.
Chemical Survey Mission
An enemy artillery attack has contaminated the pump station and portions of the supply route (SR) in
Cozy Valley (figure 28 on page 100). The area is within a single subordinate unit's area of
responsibility, but in co-ordination with the Division Chemical Officer, the decision is made for the
NBCE to retain control of the survey. The NBCE co-ordinates with the NBC company for after-mission
decontamination. The survey overlay is prepared in co-ordination with the survey element leader and
the completed plan is approved by the Division Chemical Officer.
Only one survey team is available. Since only information about the pump facility is of immediate
importance and enemy contact is not expected, the one team is allowed to perform the survey. The
control party briefs the team and provides them with an overlay showing the selected check points.
After departing on the mission, the team continuously samples the air with the Automatic Chemical
Agent Alarm System. When the alarm activates, they dismount and use chemical agent detector kits to
determine the type of