Wait for the majority of the water to evaporate
Remove the excess water
Increase the amount of DS2 applied.
There must be sufficient DS2 on the item for complete neutralization to
occur. The DS2-to-agent ratio needs to be 55 to 1 for H agents and 25 to 1
for G agents. For a vehicle the size of a M1A1 Tank, this equals to 15 and
7 gallons.
DS2 should be applied with scrubbing. Scrubbing increases the mixing of the
agent with DS2, especially when thickened chemical agents are present.
Station 3.
Wait/Interior Decon.
This station allows the DS2 to completely neutralize the chemical agent and
time to decon the interior of the vehicle.
Vehicles are moved to a
concealed position. Vehicles will remain in Station 3 for no less than 30
by allowing the DS2 to remain on the contaminated surface for 30 minutes,
the amount of agent that will later desorb (off gas) will be significantly
When there is a 30-minute contact time, there will be no
desorption after decon operations for most chemical agents.
studies indicate that HD vapor will desorb after decon, even if DS2 is
allowed to remain for 30 minutes.
While the vehicle is held in this station for the DS2 to completely react,
the driver inspects the interior of the vehicle for liquid contamination.
The driver will be given M8 Detector Paper.
If the driver identifies
chemical contamination, supplies will be given to decon the interior. The
best decon solution for use in the interior is a 5% solution of HTH or STB.
The driver wipes all reasonably accessible surfaces with a rag or sponge
soaked in HTH solution. Do not attempt to decon areas where there is little
likelihood of contamination, such as: electrical assemblies or beneath the
turret floor.
Do not mix HTH or STB with DS2.
If mixed, a violent
reaction will occur.
Once interior decon is completed, the driver dismounts from the vehicle and
proceeds to the start of the DTD.
The assistant driver, having completed
the DTD, mounts the vehicle and moves it to the next station. Drivers must
exercise caution when entering or exiting the vehicle. A DS2-coated surface
is slippery and DS2 may react with chemical protective footwear. Personnel
should avoid stepping in DS2 and tracking it into the vehicle.