b. Radiological.
Use the AN/PDR-27 Series or AN/VDR-2 to determine if any contamination
If there is contamination remaining, determine the intensity of
the contamination inside and outside the vehicle. If the contamination has
an intensity greater than 0.33 cGy, negligible risk, the vehicle is recycled
to Station 1.
c. Recycle Criteria.
The commander, in conjunction with the chemical unit leader, will establish
the recycle criteria before the start of decon operations.
The recycle
criteria determines which vehicles return to Station 1 after contamination
is detected at Station 5.
If the unit has sufficient time and resources,
any vehicle having more contamination than a negligible risk should be
However, time and resources are usually limited and not all
vehicles can be recycled.
d. Detailed Equipment Decontamination (DED) Site Cleanup
Coordination with the supported unit is necessary prior to actually closing
the site.
This is to ensure that all contaminated elements have been
The chemical unit, Decon or Smoke/Decon Platoon, closes the DED first. Once
the DED is closed, the chemical unit processes through the DTD. After the
chemical unit has processed through the DTD, it is closed.
Once it is
closed, the chemical unit marks the area as a contaminated area and reports
its exact location to the supported unit, using and NBC-4 Report.
The DED is closed in sequence, starting at Station 1.
All vehicles,
equipment, and nonexpendable supplies are inspected for contamination. If
contamination is found, it is decontaminated. The actions at each station
are as follow:
(1) Station 1.
Initial Wash.
Spray all vehicles and equipment with hot, soapy water to remove any
contamination that could have been transferred during initial wash
operations. Drain the water billets or fabric tanks of water. Inspect all
equipment and vehicles for contamination using the appropriate detection
If no contamination is detected, load the equipment on the
Spread one can of STB into each sump and then cover the sump.
Post NBC Hazard Markers near the covered sumps.