(2) Station 2.
DS2 Application.
Put mops and brushes used in applying DS2 into a sump or bury them.
unused cans of DS2 and M13 DAPs on a vehicle.
(3) Station 3.
Holding Area/Interior Decon.
Inspect any unused supplies and equipment for contamination.
If no
contamination is detected, load the equipment and supplies on a vehicle.
Put contaminated supplies into the nearest sump.
(4) Station 4.
Spray all vehicles and equipment with hot, soapy water to remove any
contamination that could have been transferred during rinse operations.
Drain the water billets or fabric tanks of water. Inspect all equipment and
vehicles for contamination using the appropriate detection equipment. If no
contamination is detected, load the equipment on the vehicles. Spread one
can of STB into each sump and cover.
Post NBC Hazard Markers near the
covered sumps.
by-products created are also toxic.
(5) Station 5.
Check all equipment for contamination. If it is not contaminated, load it
on a vehicle.
If it is contaminated, decontaminate according to the
appropriate TM. Put contaminated supplies into the nearest sump.
Move all vehicles upwind of Station 5 and inspect for contamination. If any
decontaminate the identified areas.
Once the vehicles are ready to move,
personnel will proceed to the Detailed Troop Decontamination Site.