Lesson 4/Learning Event 1
decontamination station. After decontamination is completed, the teams return to the controlling
headquarters. The teams are then debriefed according to the SOP. Intelligence information
obtained from the mission is submitted to intelligence personnel (S2 section).
Marking of Chemically Contaminated Areas
Chemically contaminated areas will be marked with the appropriate markers, unless the area is to be
abandoned to Threat Forces. Chemical markers are constructed in the shape of a right triangle (90
by 45 by 45) and are made of plastic, wood, metal, or another rigid material. The sign may be
mass produced by major commands for distribution to subordinate units or may be made locally.
The base of the triangle should be about 28 cm (11 inches) and the opposite sides about 20 cm (8
The chemical contamination marker is yellow on both sides. The word "GAS" in red five-
centimeter (two-inch) block letters is placed on the side of the marker facing away from the
contamination. The name of the agent, if known, and the date and time of detection are also placed
on the front of the marker before emplacement. Paint, marking pencil, or grease pencil may be used
to write necessary information on the front of the marker. The coloring and marking of the sign is
in accordance with STANAG 2002 and is illustrated in figure 33.
When marking a contaminated area, the marker is placed above the ground with the right-angle apex
down. The holes on each side of the triangle are used for hanging the marker on wire boundary
fence poles, trees, or rocks. When these items are not available, the marker may be emplaced by
placing the apex or bottom of the marker into the ground away from grass or other undergrowth that
would prevent viewing. The marker is emplaced so that the front of the marker is facing away from
the contaminated area.