Lesson 4/Learning Event 2
scout takes swabs of moisture from vegetation. The other scout collects samples of water and
munition fragments. Each sample is marked with the date, time, location, and sample number.
Additional samples are collected until the mission is complete.
Actions Following Sampling Collection. When the NBC reconnaissance teams or
unit NBC teams
complete the mission of collecting biological samples, they move to a prearranged location. Once
all the teams have assembled, they move as a unit to a combined personnel and equipment
decontamination station. After decontamination is completed, the teams return to the controlling
headquarters. The teams are then debriefed according to the SOP. Information of intelligence value
is provided to S2 personnel.
Prior to evacuating the samples, the exterior of the sample containers are decontaminated with hot
soapy water. These containers are then evacuated through combat service support channels to
medical laboratory units operating in the Corps Support Command (COSCOM) area.
Marking of Areas Contaminated With Biological Agents
As chemical contamination will be marked, biologically contaminated areas also will be marked in
accordance with the unit SOP. Biological markers are constructed in the shape of a right triangle
(90 by 45 by 45) and are made of plastic, wood, metal, or another rigid material. The sign may
be mass produced by major commands for distribution to subordinate units or may be made locally.
The base of the triangle should be about 28 cm (11 inches) and the opposite sides about 20 cm (8
(two-inch) block letters are placed on the side of the marker facing away from the contamination.
The word "BIO" is on the front side of the marker. The name of the agent, if known, and the date
and time of detection are also placed on the front of the marker before emplacement Paint, marking
pencil, or grease pencil may be used to write necessary information on the front of the marker.
Figure 35 is an illustration of a biological contamination marker.