Lesson 4/Learning Event 2
A biological agent sampling mission may be organized with the company/troop/battery NBC team.
The NBC reconnaissance element also is capable of conducting biological sampling missions.
A supervisor responsible for a biological mission must check the protective clothing and equipment
of each team member for serviceability. Mission equipment must also be inspected to insure it is
available and operational prior to conducting the mission. The equipment required for a chemical
survey is required for a biological sampling mission. Chemical detection equipment should be
included since chemical agents may be encountered.
Indications of a Biological Attack
A biological attack may be suspected when any of the following conditions are observed:
1. Low-flying aircraft that appear to be producing a mist or spray.
2. The functioning of any type of spray device.
3. The functioning of a munition. such as a bomblet, that appears to have no immediate effect.
4. Unusual types of bomblets found in the area.
Units must also rely on the division or higher level organizations for warning of biological hazards
in the unit area from an upwind biological attack.
An understanding of how biological agents can be disseminated and the effects of temperature and
sunlight on biological agents can assist team members in collecting agent samples.
Screening Suspected Areas
When intelligence reports indicate that a biological agent may have been delivered by aircraft or
missile spray, the area known to have been in the path of the spray should be screened before
collecting samples.
Areas should be avoided that are shielded by obstructions and surfaces that are exposed to direct
sunlight and high temperatures.
Areas should be scanned for sources of suspected biological contamination such as: